Legal Notice

Name of the site:
Director of publications: Holly Jessopp, Aurore Couderc

Address: 12 rue Lagrange 75005 PARIS
Tel: 33(0)
Legal form: Société d’exercice libéral à responsabilité limitée
Company name: INSCIO AVOCATS
SIRET: 89987854000017
EU VAT: FR17899878540

Privacy Policy

This privacy policy is based on EU Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 (GDPR) as well as your informed consent. It’s purpose is to inform you about the processing of your personal data.

This privacy policy applies only to information collected by this site, although this site may contain links to other external sites. Please understand that we can not guarantee that these sites apply the same policy as us in terms of respect for privacy, which is why we urge you to read the confidentiality policies of the websites that you may be brought to visit from it before handing over your personal data.

We reserve the right to amend this privacy policy at any time, such modifications taking effect immediately. However, with each new use of this site, you submit to the confidentiality policy in force.

Also, we invite you to re-read this page regularly in order to maintain your consent.

What information is collected on this site?

When you visit a website, you remain anonymous. The information collected during your browsing is used to analyze your behavior on this site and the use you have of it in order to improve your user experience.

The other personal data that we collect, such as your last name, first name, postal address, telephone number or email address, are only collected if you agree to provide them to us, for example when you subscribe to our newsletter, as part of the management of your quote request or if you wish to be contacted.

We also undertake to collect only the information strictly necessary to process your request.

Why do we collect your personal data?

We collect your personal data in order to:

  • Customer relationship management (quote, order, purchase, request for information, etc.)
  • Follow our information (newsletter, …)

How is your personal data used?

We undertake to respect the strict confidentiality of your personal data and to use it only for the purposes for which you have agreed to communicate them to us. However, it will not be kept longer than necessary, that is, for the duration of our collaboration plus the statutory limitation period. After which, it will be destroyed.

We may need to transfer it to third parties such as our IT service provider, our host, etc. However, we guarantee that it will be transferred according to a secure protocols and processed with the utmost care and maximum security.

What are your rights ?

You have the right to not to want to communicate personal data to us. In this case, you will be able to navigate on this site, however you will not have access to all of its functionalities (subscribe to the newsletter for example, ask to be contacted again, …)

You have the right to access, correct and withdraw your personal data. You can exercise this right, for example by updating, asking us to rectify, complete, update, or by asking us that your information no longer appear on our list of distribution, by contacting us at the following address and by attaching to your request a copy of a valid identity documents (identity card, passport or driving license).

You have the right to lodge a complaint with the CNIL if you consider it necessary. In this case, we invite you to consult their website for the purposes of knowing the terms of execution (

You also have a right to the portability of your personal data. You can, at the same address as above, request that we return to you on a usable medium all the personal data that you have provided to us with a view, for example, to transferring them to a third party.

Finally, you have a right to object to the processing of your data for legitimate reasons as well as a right to object to this data being used for purposes other than those to which you have consented.

You can use this right by contacting the data controller at the address given here

What if I still have questions?

If you have any questions regarding this privacy policy or your personal data, please do not hesitate to contact us at or by mail 12 rue Lagrange 75005 PARIS.

Hosting : IONOS

The user of the website acknowledges having the skills and means necessary to access and use this site. He also acknowledges having read this legal notice and undertakes to comply with it.

The information collected via this site comes from the voluntary registration of an email address provided by the Internet user. This will allow him to receive documentation, to learn about any point of law or to be contacted by the lawyer. This information is never communicated to a third party. The processing carried out via this site, being set up for the purpose of information, is routine processing which is not likely to infringe the privacy of individuals in the context of their regular use. These processing operations can of course be used for the constitution of address files for the purposes of information or external communication relating to the purpose or activity of the publication director.

The user is informed that while visiting the site, a cookie may be automatically installed on his browser software. A cookie is an element which does not allow the user to be identified but is used to record information relating to the user’s navigation on the website. The user will be able to deactivate this cookie through the parameters appearing in his browser software.

The user has the right to access, modify, rectify and delete data concerning him (article 34 of the law “Informatique et Libertés”). To exercise this right, the user can contact the Director of the publication referred to above.

Any total or partial representation of this site by any means whatsoever without the express authorization of the website operator is prohibited and constitutes an infringement punishable by articles L 335-2 and following of the Intellectual Property Code.

The same applies to any databases appearing on the website which are protected by the provisions of the law of July 11, 1998 transposing into the Intellectual Property Code (IPC) of the European directive of March 11, 1996 relating to legal protection of databases.

The trademarks of the operator of the website and its partners, as well as the logos appearing on the site are elements protected by the provisions of intellectual property law and may not be subject, without the consent of the Director of the publication. , no reproduction or partial or total representation.

The hypertext links set up within the framework of the Internet site to other resources present on the Internet network, and in particular to its partners, have been the subject of prior express written authorization.

Visitors to the website may not set up a hyperlink to these sites without the express prior authorization of the website operator.

In accordance with Articles L.612-1 et seq. Issued from Ordinance No. 2016-301 of March 14, 2016, you have the possibility in the event of a dispute with a lawyer to have recourse free of charge to the Consumer Mediator who will be the National Mediator of the National Council and whose contact details are as follows: CNB – Consumer Mediator, 22 rue de Londres, 75009 PARIS

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